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Tiny Tini & the Diet-MaN

Map data © Mappa Open Street contributors
Informazioni su Tiny Tini & the Diet-MaN
Distanza percorsa

413 km

Tempo in movimento

51:08 h

Attività recenti
  1. ha fatto un'escursione.

    25 aprile 2022

    Runde Passo Puria - Cima Tignalta

    14,3 km
    3,5 km/h
    880 m
    920 m
    A piace questo.
    1. 26 aprile 2022

      L'anello inizia al primo tornante di Via Leonardo da Vinci subito dopo la frazione Ca di Natone. È possibile parcheggiare direttamente nella curva o più in basso alla curva successiva della strada. L'ingresso è contrassegnato in giallo su un albero. Il sentiero risale ripido il pendio. Si segue lungo

      Tradotto daVedi originale
  2. ha fatto un'escursione.

    30 ottobre 2021

    12,5 km
    4,9 km/h
    350 m
    350 m
    A piace questo.
    1. The tour begins at the amusement park in Finsterbergen. You can park for free along the local bungalow complex.

      Through spruce and beech forests you go up to the Brandkopf. From there along the nature deposit (TK7) or the Leina river tour up to the Spießberg. There is a junction of the Rennsteig. We continue

      Tradotto daVedi originale
  3. ha fatto un'escursione.

    29 ottobre 2021

    10,7 km
    4,5 km/h
    320 m
    320 m
    A piace questo.
    1. Nice circular hike from Bad Tabaks. You can park in a free car park behind the KuKuNA. Then it goes on a local road, which turns into a gravel forest path in the Thuringian Forest above Bad Tabartz. A hiking trail runs parallel to the forest path as far as the oven holes. From here it goes steeply uphill

      Tradotto daVedi originale
  4. ha fatto un giro in MTB

    24 aprile 2021

    40,5 km
    17,4 km/h
    750 m
    740 m
    A piace questo.
    1. A very nice moderately difficult tour, with many fast descents and some exciting trails.

      Tradotto daVedi originale
  5. ha fatto un giro in MTB

    3 giugno 2020

    40,3 km
    19,1 km/h
    450 m
    450 m
    A piace questo.
    1. The northern Steigerwald has a lot to offer. You can see that on this tour. It mostly leads over field, forest and gravel paths, but there are also a few single trails. If you have the time, you can z. B. also explore the treetop path in Ebrach.

      Along the way there are enough places to stop for refreshments

      Tradotto daVedi originale
  6. ha fatto un'escursione.

    6 maggio 2020

    8,17 km
    5,4 km/h
    180 m
    170 m
    1. An easy to moderate hike on good ground that only contains two climbs. The "Path of Encounter" is a tranquil path through the forest. There are many rest options, some with very nice views. Unfortunately there is no entertainment at the airport itself.

      A tip at the end:

      If you go home via Stackendorf

      Tradotto daVedi originale
  7. ha fatto un'escursione.

    5 aprile 2020

    12,8 km
    5,5 km/h
    230 m
    240 m
    1. From Untermerzbach from Gereuth and Wüstenenwelsberg we circle the Fuchsenweg, the Panoramaweg Buch and the Friedrich-Rückert-Weg. We see great panoramas, run through shady forests with places forgotten by hikers, such as the Theresiensäule, the Einsiedlerstein, the castle ruin "Alte Burg" and the remains

      Tradotto daVedi originale
  8. ha fatto un'escursione.

    1 aprile 2020

    15,1 km
    5,7 km/h
    210 m
    210 m
    A piace questo.
    1. Easy hike across the Franconian Jura. Part of the way coincides with the brewery path, which leads through the villages along the way. We didn't visit the breweries and wandered around the villages. The hike is scenic and leads through shady forests and sunny valleys as well as to beautiful viewpoints and historical sites.

      Tradotto daVedi originale
  9. ha fatto un'escursione.

    30 marzo 2020

    11,5 km
    5,5 km/h
    200 m
    210 m
    1. Nice and not exhausting hike with historical highlights like the 3 ruins (Rotenhan, Lichtenstein, Teufelstein). It runs mostly on well-paved forest and field paths, but with few sections that have not been used for a long time. If you want to know more about the historical background of the ruins, please

      Tradotto daVedi originale
  10. ha fatto un'escursione.

    28 marzo 2020

    1. The hiking tour follows the so-called "Promenadenweg" and is not a difficult tour, but requires good footwear and partial surefootedness. It shines with beautiful views and impressions.

      Tradotto daVedi originale
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