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Mein Wuppertal


Mein Wuppertal

Miodrag Knežević

Mein Wuppertal

Raccolta by Miodrag Knežević

56 Tour

178:48 h

932 km

17.320 m

Meine Wanderungen und einige meiner Fahrradtouren in und um Wuppertal. Oftmals sieht man die Stadt dadurch aus einem völlig anderen Blickwinkel. Wuppertal ist groß und schmutzig. Ja, oftmals richtig dreckig. Aber Wuppertal hat auch sehr schöne Ecken, die man mit dem Auto nicht unbedingt sieht. Und durch die Nordbahntrasse ist Wuppertal auch für Radfahrer noch einmal um einiges attraktiver geworden, kann man doch nun mit dem Rad relativ autofrei bis zur Ruhr, oder bis nach Solingen oder sogar bis Leverkusen und Köln an den Rhein. Ich finde, Wuppertal kann man wunderbar zu Fuß oder per Rad erkunden.

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  1. Die Hardtanlage und der Elisenturm

    7,98 km
    4,4 km/h
    130 m
    140 m

    Today in the late afternoon I decided to do a little lap. It went from the old market in Barmen to the Hardtanlage and the Elisenturm. On the way I passed the Bismarck Tower. I wanted to test the night mode of my cell phone camera at dusk and in the dark. I think the pictures from the Elisenturm can

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  2. 01:54
    9,44 km
    5,0 km/h
    230 m
    240 m

    The weekend shouldn't go like this. It was planned differently. And I'm really angry that I canceled DiDo Schropa for his tour planned for today. It could have been done but unfortunately everything was too short-term now. Sorry, DiDo ... was not my intention and I would like to catch up on the tour

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  3. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  4. 02:44
    37,4 km
    13,7 km/h
    160 m
    180 m

    Stasera abbiamo fatto un giro con la Critical Mass attraverso Wuppertal e Schwelm con i ragazzi. Come di nuovo un giorno di vacanza. Un ginocchio sanguinante dovuto a una frenata improvvisa e a non aver staccato il piede dal pedale abbastanza velocemente... ma non è poi così male. Insomma una serata di successo 👍🏼😎!

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  5. 04:50
    19,0 km
    3,9 km/h
    580 m
    420 m

    Krümel lavora su di me da 2 settimane ormai. Il suo grande desiderio: fare un'escursione notturna con papà un giorno. Pensavo che l'idea fosse buona, ma sapevo anche che non sarebbe stato facile. La scorsa settimana sono stato anche in Belgio ma tramite la video chat di WhatsApp sono tornato: "Ma pap

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  6. Yes ... I was a bit faster on the way, the bad weather should start here from about 11:00 clock .... I did not want to get wet. Thank you again 👍🏼

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  7. Today my Dilara4242 picked me up from work and we did this beautiful tour in super sunny weather. Since she picked me up from Schwelm, she even did a lap and 26 km at the end. Top 👌🏼👍🏼😊 !!

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  8. Today a little cultural tour with my Dilara in Wuppertal 😍👌🏼! It went from Vohwinkel station to Oberbarmen station. This time it went north of the Wupper through Sonnborn, Nützenberg, Luisenviertel, Elberfeld, Hardtanlage, Barmen and Wichlinghausen to Oberbarmen. The next time it's through the southern half! Was a nice tour!

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  9. Today Krümelmonster and I let it be five again and went to Barmen via Oberbarmen after work. Now only a C as a compulsory program ... the freestyle will follow this evening. One CPM and one or two 🍺🍺 with my buddy Alex 😊👌🏼! I am happy 😬😎💪🏼

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  10. 00:43
    4,08 km
    5,8 km/h
    30 m
    20 m

    This morning I went back to work after 15 days of quarantine and surviving the epidemic. So we got out shortly after 4 a.m. and went to work in wonderful weather

    to run a little smoothly again. I was lucky with the epidemic and survived it well and without major problems 💪🏼! I don't want to go into

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  11. .... or the pig jumps in a triangle 🐷 ... if you look at the map material. I only noticed now 🤷🏻‍♂️😂! Today Kalle and I finished work a little earlier and we're off. I had planned the tour briefly yesterday and it came around these 26 km. Over the Ehrenberg to Schwelm and then from Schwelm towards

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  12. "All revolutions have so far only proven one thing, namely that a lot can be changed, just not the people!" & "If Hegel had not died long ago, he would hang himself!" ... two famous quotes from Karl Marx and his Barmer (or now Wuppertal) buddy Friedrich Engels! The center forward Karl Marx and his congenial

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  13. 01:49
    8,97 km
    5,0 km/h
    150 m
    140 m

    Today I came home after work and was superior .... a bike ride? Or take a hike? Or stay on the couch? But the urge to move was bigger. I then decided to go for an urban walk (how to make such a walk nice, was not it?) Through Wuppertal. By, meanwhile, MY Wuppertal. I have been working in Wuppertal for

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  14. 02:01
    11,0 km
    5,4 km/h
    110 m
    160 m

    Your world is too small for me

    mine too big doesn't fit in here,

    you hear me scream

    but you just don't understand me ...

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  15. Just walked away after work today. The disadvantage of this time of year is that I really have 2 - 2.5 hours after work before it gets dark. No matter whether it's hiking or cycling. Well ... I spent a lot of time thinking about which tour to take and then I decided that a larger part of the way back

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  16. Today, after work, I left work with two colleagues. Actually, no special tour, I have last night two, three already combined routes together and this fine round has come out. Wonderfully fresh air and a damp and cold autumn forest ... just the thing to switch off after work. Thank you, men, it was an

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  17. Tonight I had a bit of a guilty conscience because the weather was pretty nice and I couldn't really bring myself to do something in the afternoon. At first I was considering doing a lap on the bike ... but then ended up on the couch 🙈😂! Then do another lap in the evening. Then I'm on the Nordbahntrasse

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  18. 01:28
    6,08 km
    4,2 km/h
    190 m
    210 m

    Today after work I took the route Conradswüsten - Murmelbachtal - Vorwerkpark - Toelleturm - Barmer Anlagen home. It was wonderful ... a place in the sun for 5 marks 🌞😉! And dat Cookie Monster and I are happy 😊👌🏼!

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  19. Today I did another good, wintry round with Tall Hendrik and his wife. The weather was wonderful. Started at -2 degrees and snowfall and back again at -4. Should be even colder next week 🥶 ... let's see how it will be with Töurchen. It went up the northern railway line to the Scheetunnel and then up

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  20. Taken the Critical Mass with the cookie monster tonight in freezing temperatures and in the dark. A completely new driving experience to drive on a car-free B7 .... priceless 👍🏼! It went through the Wuppertal valley floor to Schwarzbachtrasse and from there back to Elberfeld and then home. Unfortunately

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  21. 00:45
    4,00 km
    5,4 km/h
    30 m
    10 m

    Wow .... what is ‘dat cold 🥶🥶🥶🙄❄️❄️❄️! This morning actually recorded the "normal" way to work. But there wasn't more than the few pictures, the grin on my face is frozen and the cell phone would probably also have frozen if I had played around with it a little more. Still, it was great. Well dressed

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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    932 km
  • Durata
    178:48 h
  • Dislivello
    17.320 m

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