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Von Denzlingen bis in die Ortenau


Von Denzlingen bis in die Ortenau


Von Denzlingen bis in die Ortenau

Raccolta by Petra

21 Tour

51:19 h

235 km

7.660 m

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  1. Burgruine Lützelhard

    8,68 km
    4,6 km/h
    320 m
    320 m

    Today I dared a small but nice round with Hannah to the castle ruins of Lützelhard (rain forecast from 1 p.m.)

    A great, narrow path takes us up very quickly, we quickly have a very nice view of Seelbach and also work up a sweat quite quickly on a rather crisp ascent

    When we arrived at the top, we were

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  2. Oggi il sentiero non era la meta, ma la meta era la meta, anzi due mete 😊 Per prima cosa ho percorso una parte dell'Ettenheimer Erlebnisweg, il mio tratto di circa 5 km, (l'intero giro è di circa 25 km) correvo su una strada molto nice path soft coniferous ground and, apart from a short stretch at the

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  3. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  4. 01:59
    8,93 km
    4,5 km/h
    380 m
    380 m

    Patrick's recommendation to use his running training round as a hike turned out to be a very good idea, thank you Patrick for this tip.

    The whole hike was mostly on beautiful, narrow paths that were wonderfully soft, sometimes rocky or grassy. The climb up to the Hoher Horn was quite crisp but still easy

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  5. 02:41
    12,8 km
    4,8 km/h
    380 m
    380 m

    Today with my daughter Hannah on beautiful paths along the Schutter. A great hunter path led us up to Langenhard, very nice to run. Also the way back was mostly on narrow paths. Lack of way at km 8.6 we went across 500 m in cross forest, but easy to walk on. Very nice lap with great weather today.

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  6. Oggi ha funzionato con il tempo migliore: Patrick ha organizzato un fantastico tour sul Karlsruher Grat e Petra e io abbiamo potuto goderci una destinazione che era nella nostra lista dei desideri da molto tempo. Grazie mille, è stato divertente!

    Il tour è stato ricco di bellissimi sentieri, punti panoramici

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  7. 02:10
    12,2 km
    5,6 km/h
    380 m
    380 m

    The first 2 km turn every child into a nature lover! The Sulzbächle snakes through the forest, there are always stone slabs to cross (about 30 times !!! 😀) really great - with children, however, dry weather is recommended, the Holzbrückle, roots and rocks are currently wet and very slippery.

    The other

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  8. 03:56
    14,7 km
    3,8 km/h
    740 m
    820 m

    La cresta di Karlsruhe è stata nella mia lista delle cose da fare per molto tempo, oggi ho potuto percorrere questa fantastica cresta con Barbara e Patrick, grazie a entrambi.

    Siamo partiti dal parcheggio escursionistico sopra Ottenhöfen, prima lungo un sentiero a serpentina, poi la salita sulla cresta

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  9. 02:17
    12,6 km
    5,5 km/h
    410 m
    370 m

    A very nice lap again today with Hannah.Started in Kuhbach near Lahr we went on a narrow path up to Mühlsteinplatz, which gave the first great view of the Schuttertal to Seelbach and the Hohengeroldseck castle ruins. We continued on the beautiful Marienfelsenpfad to the Julius Kaufmann hut with the The

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  10. 02:00
    9,71 km
    4,8 km/h
    300 m
    280 m

    Prima lap on beautiful forest trails - the temperatures make running really fun again

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  11. 04:30
    19,3 km
    4,3 km/h
    590 m
    580 m

    Quasi esattamente un anno fa mi è stato permesso di fare la mia prima escursione con Matthias e Annett, sono stato molto felice che oggi abbia funzionato di nuovo. I miei ringraziamenti vanno a Patrick 🙋‍♀️ 😊, il cui giro ha recentemente dato lo slancio per un tour per noi Non sapendo se il tempo regger

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  12. 00:02
    182 m
    4,5 km/h

    ... and then made a short detour to Ortenberg Castle, a pretty Sleeping Beauty Castle with rose garden, unfortunately you can only visit the inner courtyard at the moment.

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  13. 03:23
    17,8 km
    5,2 km/h
    550 m
    550 m

    Nice tour, alternating on narrow paths and wide trails, which were unfortunately from km 7.5 to gravel roads. The following very beautiful single trails compensated. However, the way back the next time to make it different, because the second increase gave no prospect and the way to End was and a small

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  14. 03:06
    13,4 km
    4,3 km/h
    630 m
    610 m

    Since I've been in the corner before, I rummaged around in Patrick's area 😉

    Up to the High Horn, this time from Fessenbach, a beautiful zigzag path leads almost to the tower. As expected, the view was modest, but you could still see a bit. From there we went through a forest of the finest to the Prälatenkopf

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  15. Petra e io abbiamo scoperto il tour indipendentemente da Patrick Göser e ognuno di noi l'ha esteso. Petra ha poi avuto la buona idea di incontrarci a metà strada per fare insieme questo tour. Grazie Petra per la tua fantastica idea, l'invito all'escursionismo e l'ottima pianificazione del tour. È stata

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  16. 00:19
    1,44 km
    4,4 km/h
    10 m
    0 m

    Oggi ho visitato il crisantema a Lahr con la mia famiglia. Una decorazione davvero imponente e progettata con amore del centro città.

    Era abbastanza ben frequentato (Patrick ha indovinato 😉🙋🏼‍♀️), prima che diventasse troppo affollato, il nostro giro era già finito.

    piccolo tondo altamente raccomandato

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  17. 00:49
    4,30 km
    5,3 km/h
    0 m
    0 m

    Ho fatto un piccolo giro al Wyhl, (il consiglio è di Silvia Ge, grazie 😊🙋‍♀️)

    si sentiva solo il cinguettio di molti uccelli diversi e il gracidare abbastanza forte di numerose famiglie di rane.

    Non è bastato per il giro del sentiero natura a causa dell'inizio della pioggia - perfetto per una breve pausa 😊

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  18. 02:39
    10,8 km
    4,1 km/h
    330 m
    320 m

    Comfortable, almost lonely tour to the Keppenbach castle ruins, with still interesting foundation walls and an inviting barbecue and snack area.

    However, I had to reschedule the way there a few times because of fenced, quite private looking meadows, partly not so nice looking forest roads but easy to

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  19. 02:27
    11,4 km
    4,6 km/h
    290 m
    270 m

    Today was a very nice trip to the Landeck castle ruins. Much of the way there was the Vierburgensteig, narrow path, leafy and soft, very nice to walk. The castle ruins, actually there are two, the upper and the lower castle are great to look at, very much well restored and cared for - really worth a

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  20. 01:19
    6,37 km
    4,8 km/h
    130 m
    130 m

    Today a small tour to the stronghold, highly recommended. The ruin is impressive, large and well maintained.

    The round trip is nice to walk.

    Not recommended in summer, as easy for tourists to reach :-)

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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    235 km
  • Durata
    51:19 h
  • Dislivello
    7.660 m

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