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Enkelchen Wandertag


Enkelchen Wandertag


Enkelchen Wandertag

Raccolta by Petra

20 Tour

25:40 h

107 km

4.250 m

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  1. Enkelchen Wandertag- Sägemännchen

    6,40 km
    3,5 km/h
    190 m
    180 m

    Because of the predicted rain from noon onwards, we set off very early today with the aim of visiting the sawmills. With the cards we made for a "hiking bingo" we had no boredom on the way there, we had to find as many things as possible, that were shown on the maps, among other things, there was a yellow

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  2. 01:16
    6,19 km
    4,9 km/h
    200 m
    190 m

    Today we ran for a hike, don't know how to describe it otherwise. 😀

    From the hiking car park at the Berghauser Chapel, first of all I ran really hard up (ran) to the actual hiking path and there the first finds were collected.

    Brave and brisk march towards the summit (we just didn't feel like running

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  3. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  4. 02:08
    6,77 km
    3,2 km/h
    310 m
    300 m

    Today we have come a lot closer to our long-term goal of walking up the Kybfelsen with our grandchildren. We reached the beautiful barbecue and snack area at Sohlacker without any problems on the great path of the Kybfelsensteig.

    The path is very varied and always in the shade, perfect for today's weather

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  5. 01:12
    4,69 km
    3,9 km/h
    160 m
    170 m

    Oggi mi è stato permesso di fare la prima escursione con mio fratello nipote.

    Con la Schlossbergbahn nello Stadtgarten i primi metri di dislivello sono stati superati abbastanza comodamente. Appena raggiunto il primo sentiero, il primo sprint up 😄! (L'ha capito chiaramente dalla sorella)

    Fino alla torre

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  6. 00:52
    4,57 km
    5,2 km/h
    50 m
    50 m

    "What shall we do today ? "

    “Today I don't want to hike, today I want to experience something” 😄

    ok, then off to Sulz to the adventure trail

    A path next to the Sulzbach meanders wonderfully, sometimes on one side, then on the other. Mostly you come on large stones

    to the other side of the Bächle - at least

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  7. 01:25
    4,68 km
    3,3 km/h
    150 m
    150 m

    Perfect tour for a grandchildren's hike, with “the coolest hike”, Barbara's recommendation was commented by the grandson today, LG to Barbara 🙋‍♀️.

    The giant bridge, the roaring brook with the small and large waterfalls, bridges and stairs made the tour a single highlight.

    After a delicious snack, finally

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  8. 01:05
    5,53 km
    5,1 km/h
    230 m
    210 m

    Started on the well-known hiking car park, the first grandchildren hike this year started.

    Interestingly, the playground was ignored, started running on the first meadow path, continued on a beautiful path (continued running 😊) Small pauses were made so that I could follow. At the Pfaffeneckhütte we

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  9. 01:11
    4,74 km
    4,0 km/h
    180 m
    190 m

    First tour this year - energy without end 😀

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  10. 01:34
    6,30 km
    4,0 km/h
    190 m
    200 m

    My job today was to photograph all the animals on the hike.

    Right at the start we discovered a snail on a narrow hiking path 😀 and after a beautiful view towards Kaiserstuhl (name absolutely unacceptable because there is no recognition feature 😂) we continued on a slightly muddy forest path with great

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  11. 01:44
    4,67 km
    2,7 km/h
    160 m
    170 m

    Started at the church in Breitnau at an extremely high speed, we quickly went to a leisurely pace to discover the many things that our hiking bingo cards had to find. Our problem today: we didn't have the cards with us and had to remember what has to be looked for there.

    But since we discovered more things

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  12. 01:10
    5,14 km
    4,4 km/h
    200 m
    200 m

    The heights and kilometers will be more, soon we will make it to the Kybfelsen. The beginning of the blue rhombus mastered great :)

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  13. 00:49
    3,56 km
    4,4 km/h
    140 m
    130 m

    The castle Hohengeroldseck is a partly very well-preserved and restored castle ruins, nice to look at, high spiral staircase leads to a beautiful all around Aussicht.Trotz day of the week were quite a lot of interested people on the way, so start early 😉

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  14. 01:00
    3,52 km
    3,5 km/h
    50 m
    50 m

    Bene, quello era un percorso avventura straordinariamente bello, inizia solo circa 700 m dopo il nostro punto di partenza, ma camminare un po' non fa male 😉 (ma c'è anche un parcheggio proprio nel parco giochi.)

    A cominciare da un parco giochi molto spazioso con tutto ciò che il cuore di un bambino desidera

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  15. 00:53
    3,98 km
    4,5 km/h
    110 m
    100 m

    Con il caldo di oggi solo un piccolo giro. Quando l'aria è ancora bella e fresca, prima lungo il Wonnhaldeweiher - non è rimasta quasi più acqua, ma con alcune ninfee che hanno già molti piccoli fiori. Tuttavia, il mio laborioso fotografo ha avuto difficoltà a catturare il grandi libellule su una foto

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  16. 00:23
    1,45 km
    3,7 km/h
    30 m
    50 m

    We discovered the great playground during yesterday's round to the Frauensteigfelsen and took a closer look today. Great barbecue area, lots of seating and a very nice playground with running water from a fountain! (Very important because of the slush).

    A really well laid out and successful playground

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  17. 01:09
    4,26 km
    3,7 km/h
    90 m
    70 m

    You have to take care of the young hikers :)

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  18. 02:07
    10,6 km
    5,0 km/h
    760 m
    760 m

    ... in treno e ritorno a piedi. 😉

    Una discesa apparentemente facile all'inizio della stagione, ma entrambi si sono resi conto che camminare in discesa può essere davvero estenuante.


    Del cambio di direzione ci occuperemo dopo.😊

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  19. 00:51
    3,75 km
    4,4 km/h
    10 m
    10 m

    Piccolo ma carino!

    Oggi abbiamo fatto un piccolo giro nella Contea prima che faccia caldo. Un bellissimo giro su sentieri che ti invita ad arrampicarti, gattonare, stare in equilibrio e meravigliarti. Meraviglioso per ispirare i bambini a fare escursioni. L'intero giro era troppo per noi oggi, quando

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  20. 01:57
    12,7 km
    6,5 km/h
    910 m
    910 m

    Il primo giro in gondola sullo Schauinsland è stata una grande esperienza per ogni nipote - quindi questa volta è stato "cool - cool" per 17 minuti 😄

    Il piccolo ninja ha corso la breve escursione di 5,5 km grazie ai mirtilli lungo il percorso e ad altri "sacchetti di cibo".

    Alla fine del giro siamo atterrati

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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    107 km
  • Durata
    25:40 h
  • Dislivello
    4.250 m

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