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πŸ‡«πŸ‡· Elsass und Vogesen


πŸ‡«πŸ‡· Elsass und Vogesen


πŸ‡«πŸ‡· Elsass und Vogesen

Raccolta by Petra

36 Tour

89:52Β h

376Β km

14.760Β m

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  1. πŸ‡«πŸ‡· Elsass - Belvedere Notre Dame des Neiges

    1,87Β km
    3,8Β km/h
    60Β m
    70Β m

    il secondo piccolo anello, con il cielo ancora abbastanza cupo, ci ha portato al belvedere di Notre Dame des Neiges, vista molto bella sulla valle dell'Ognon

    la breve salita vale sicuramente la pena.

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  2. The three castles as a destination of Tartufos hike taken, many thanks for the recommendation Tartufo, go a great single path up to the ruins, continue on very beautiful forest roads to Blue Pool. Unfortunately, we sent the Sentier Hertzog somehow missed, have a very steep demanding Moutainbiketrail…

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  3. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  4. 02:47
    10,00Β km
    3,6Β km/h
    340Β m
    310Β m

    Infine, dal parcheggio Gazon Rouge Γ¨ iniziato un tour molto bello e confortevole sul GR5. I sentieri e poi i sentieri sono stati tutti meravigliosi da percorrere, per lo piΓΉ ricoperti di foglie fresche, che probabilmente sono cadute sotto la pioggia battente di ieri. Ottima luce e mood on early morning…

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  5. Al parcheggio escursionistico HuhnenmΓΌhle Γ¨ iniziata la bella salita su un sentiero a serpentina fino al primo castello, il castello Ramstein, in una meravigliosa atmosfera nebbiosa.Alcune aree del castello sono chiuse a causa di lavori di ristrutturazione.

    Abbiamo proseguito su un bel sentiero radicato…

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  6. 00:22
    1,49Β km
    4,0Β km/h
    0Β m
    0Β m

    Dopo che ho già postato la città di Neuf - Brisach, non volevo davvero registrarla oggi. Durante l'esecuzione dell'anello esterno, c'erano delle bellissime nuove sculture che non volevo nasconderti 😊

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  7. Sono stato molto felice dell'invito di Barbara al nostro primo tour insieme. Barbara ha scelto un giro davvero fantastico, la maggior parte su sentieri molto belli e anche i sentieri nel bosco erano meravigliosi da percorrere, le tante sfumature di verde delle nuove foglie hanno contribuito a creare…

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  8. 02:37
    9,83Β km
    3,8Β km/h
    330Β m
    310Β m

    Oggi abbiamo fatto un giro davvero comodo e bellissimo. Siamo partiti dall'ostello Kahlenwasen, abbiamo subito avuto una vista meravigliosa sulla zona e sulla pianura del Reno (Γ¨ il vantaggio se guidi di piΓΉ Hm πŸ€ͺ).

    Su stradine prative molto strette, morbide come un tappeto, abbiamo aggirato il Grothkopf…

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  9. 00:46
    3,60Β km
    4,7Β km/h
    90Β m
    90Β m

    The fortress built as an octagon of Vauban has a unique character. To the whole city leads a huge wall (attention not secured !!), followed by defensive slopes, which can be run. Beautiful paths lead around the city, are currently on Huge animals made out of straw, which look great because of their size…

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  10. Oggi il programma della pioggia ha dovuto reggere: tra i singoli rovesci di pioggia oggi abbiamo fatto tre piccoli giri, il primo con due bellissime cascate con solo una breve distanza tra le due, due splendidi momenti salienti.

    Le gocce di pioggia sui fili d'erba erano particolarmente belle, una palla…

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  11. 01:29
    4,92Β km
    3,3Β km/h
    200Β m
    200Β m

    ... e poi ha funzionato, almeno per un breve giro sul Pallone d'Alsazia. Ci sono abbastanza parcheggi, basta fermarsi e iniziare a marciare. Il primo obiettivo era la statua di Giovanna d'Arco - un bel momento clou Summit of il Ballon d'Alsace con la sua vista meravigliosa in tutte le direzioni - fantastico…

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  12. A wonderful round in Alsace caught today, started in Thann and after a short climb, marveled at the Engelburg castle ruins with a huge bike, never seen anything like it!

    On lonely, wonderful paths we went steadily upwards, at the beginning through a forest with extensive wild boar tracks, I also saw three…

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  13. 01:52
    7,05Β km
    3,8Β km/h
    220Β m
    250Β m

    Hello Tartufo

    Actually wanted on the Petit Honack with his Chateaux, but then there were too many buses on the way πŸ˜‰

    As a replacement gabs the loop from km 2.8, was nice to walk.


    The tour is very nice, so if possible, do not run on the weekend

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  14. 04:17
    17,2Β km
    4,0Β km/h
    980Β m
    990Β m

    We started on mostly wonderful, narrow paths from the hiking car park in Murbach to the Grand Ballon. With the same incline, the meters in altitude were quite easy to cope with. It was a bit hazy at the top, but the view was sufficient to be able to enjoy the all-round view.

    The way back, except for a…

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  15. Small but super-fine round to kick off in the Vosges.

    Started at the parking lot directly on the street, unfortunately with light drizzle, after 20 m already on a wonderful narrow path alternating on rocky and soft foliage path or beautiful root path.

    After a few meters of altitude there was a great view…

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  16. Another day in Alsace - and again anything but according to plan πŸ˜‰, see last photo.

    Immediately after a short ascent, Hugstein Castle was on the way - well restored and with a beautiful view of Guebwiller and towards the Rhine Valley. We continued on mostly very beautiful paths to the planned destination…

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  17. 02:58
    10,9Β km
    3,7Β km/h
    500Β m
    480Β m

    Started on a meadow path, then continued on soft foliage path that meanders through a mossy birch forest, wonderful to walk, and again atmospheric fog between the trees, at the beginning also light drizzle, which was over after half an hour today.

    Then we went downhill towards Altenweiher, in between…

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  18. Not before the first snow, as planned, but at least before the next snow, I was able to add the Petit Ballon to my collection this year. I used Erik's tour as a template, thank you for your recommendation Erik πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ. My somewhat shorter tour began on a great, rooty path (really nice and really steep…

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  19. 02:47
    9,43Β km
    3,4Β km/h
    300Β m
    290Β m

    Siamo partiti dalla bella chiesa di Rimbach pres Masevaux, a volte su sentieri prati con un numero enorme di farfalle, a volte attraverso bellissimi boschi di latifoglie senza grande dislivello, poi Γ¨ iniziata lentamente la salita ai due bacini artificiali, grandi sentieri, come li conoscete in Alsazia…

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  20. 03:25
    15,8Β km
    4,6Β km/h
    800Β m
    800Β m

    Today the path became the goal again, and it was really great. Hardly started, a small waterfall in sight, le Cascade du Bubalafels 😊.

    First on a wonderful path to the lookout point of the Holzhauer Hittel vum Blaufels. At least there I suspected that the sun would not work today as the weather report…

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  21. Mostra altri Tour

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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    376Β km
  • Durata
    89:52Β h
  • Dislivello
    14.760Β m

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