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Percorsi escursionistici a lunga distanza

Step back in time on ancient and beautiful hike — Downs Link

Percorsi escursionistici a lunga distanza

Step back in time on ancient and beautiful hike — Downs Link

FurLined (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

Step back in time on ancient and beautiful hike — Downs Link

Escursionismo – Raccolta by Dan Hobson



4-6 h

/ giorno

64,4 km

400 m

510 m

The Downs Link follows two historic railway lines through the beautiful and ancient wooded countryside of Surrey to the golden coastline of West Sussex.

The 37-mile (59-kilometer) route begins on St Martha’s Hill, near Guildford, and travels south to finish in the historic seaside town of Shoreham-by-Sea. The route was opened in 1984 to link the North Downs Way and the South Downs Way.

You explore a wonderful mix of landscapes and habitats along the way. Expect ancient woodlands with stunning wildflower displays, gentle rivers, wildlife-rich heathlands, patchwork farmland, tranquil ponds and lakes, plus lots more.

History is everywhere along the route, most notably the old stations and platforms you pass. However, buildings from the 12th-14th centuries are common and there are some ancient gems, including St Nicolas' Church (10th century) and Bramber Castle (11th century).

There are some quirky bridges, too, including the Double Bridge—the Downs Link logo—and the Shoreham Toll Bridge, which is the last of its kind.

For the most part, the route follows two disused railway lines—the Cranleigh Line and the Steyning Line—across the Surrey Hills, the Low Weald, the South Downs, and along the coastal plain to Shoreham.

As such, the entire route is very flat, meaning the hiking is typically very leisurely. Paths are waymarked and well-maintained, making the Downs Link a good choice for anybody new to long-distance walking.

The former railway lines that comprise the Downs Link are collectively referred to as the Hundred Years Railway. Opened in the 1860s, the lines enabled people to escape the hustle-and-bustle of the town’s and cities to enjoy seaside holidays, a relatively new concept at the time.

However, both lines were closed in the 1960s by Lord Beeching in his infamous Beeching report, which resulted in 4,000 miles of railway line being closed across Britain.

In this Collection, we split the route into three stages. Of course, you can split up each stage into as many days as you are comfortable with. You can also walk any single stage, or a couple of stages, in isolation.

Every stage finishes close to accommodation, even if there are only a few options nearby. However, places to stay are not always abundant so it is worth planning in advance and scheduling any rest days accordingly.

If you are planning to arrive by public transport, you can catch a train to Guildford, which is served by direct trains from London and Reading, among others, and has connecting services around Britain.

Awkwardly, the Downs Link begins on top of St Martha’s Hill, which is a remote spot with no public transport links. From Guildford station, it is just under a three-mile (five-kilometer) walk to the start (or a short taxi ride). Alternatively, you can catch a train from Guildford to Chilworth station, which is just under two miles (three kilometers) away.

If you are planning to arrive by car, your best bet is to negotiate with a hotel or B&B a rate to stay for a night either side of your hike in Guildford and leave your car there for the duration. See the paragraph above for details on how to get from Guildford to the start. To get back to Guildford, you can catch a train from Shoreham-by-Sea, typically with a change in Havant.

For more information about the Downs Link, visit: westsussex.gov.uk/leisure-recreation-and-community/walking-horse-riding-and-cycling/downs-link.
For train timetables and tickets, visit: thetrainline.com.

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Downs Link

59,4 km

280 m

400 m

Ultimo aggiornamento: ‪7 maggio 2024

Utilizza il Multi-Day Planner e pianifica questa avventura utilizzando le tappe suggerite in questa Raccolta.

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  1. Map data © Mappa Open Street contributors

    Fase 01: St Martha's Hill a Rudgwick - Downs Link

    23,2 km
    3,7 km/h
    230 m
    300 m
    Percorso escursionistico per esperti. Ottimo allenamento richiesto. Sentieri prevalentemente accessibili. Richiesto passo sicuro.

    La prima tappa inizia su una collina vicino a una chiesa solitaria e passa attraverso un pittoresco mosaico di campagna.


    Può sembrare strano che il Downs Link inizi in cima a St Martha's Hill. Tuttavia, il percorso è stato progettato per collegare la North Downs Way con la South Downs Way, ed è qui che

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  2. 06:02
    23,4 km
    3,9 km/h
    110 m
    140 m
    Percorso escursionistico per esperti. Ottimo allenamento richiesto. Sentieri facilmente percorribili. Adatto a ogni livello di abilità.

    Echi del passato sono ovunque su questo palco, che attraversa il bizzarro ponte utilizzato per il logo dei Downs Link.


    Prima di lasciare Rudgwick, vale la pena fare una gita in cima al villaggio per vedere la Holy Trinity Church, un bellissimo edificio che risale al 13° secolo.


    Dopo un anello del paese

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  3. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  4. 04:34
    17,8 km
    3,9 km/h
    60 m
    70 m
    Percorso escursionistico intermedio. Buon allenamento richiesto. Sentieri facilmente percorribili. Adatto a ogni livello di abilità.

    La fase finale esplora la splendida campagna, visita una chiesa sassone, attraversa un ponte unico e termina in riva al mare.


    Poche miglia in meno rispetto alle fasi precedenti, e senza alcuna arrampicata da affrontare, hai tutto il tempo per ammirare l'ambiente circostante in questa piacevole escursione

    Tradotto daVedi originale



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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    64,4 km
  • Durata
    16:46 h
  • Dislivello
    400 m510 m

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