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Radmarathon - wenn's mal etwas mehr sein darf


Radmarathon - wenn's mal etwas mehr sein darf


Radmarathon - wenn's mal etwas mehr sein darf

Raccolta by Daniel

15 Tour

153:13 h

3.671 km

46.720 m

In dieser Collection sind einige Radtouren von mehr als 200km Länge zusammengestellt - ab dieser Distanz darf man in der Regel von einem Radmarathon sprechen.
Dieser Grenzwert ist deutlich weniger präzise als die exakt 42,195km der Lauf-Marathon Strecke. Ebenso ist das Profil von Radmarathons erheblich unterschiedlicher, als dies bei Lauf Strecken üblicherweise der Fall ist. Und manch prominenter Radmarathon kommt nicht mal in die Nähe der 200km, so wie der Maratona dles Dolomites, bei dem man heutzutage schon nach 138km im Ziel ist, aber dort auch 4230 Höhenmeter in den Beinen hat. Bei leidlich gutem Trainingsstand schafft man 200km auf dem Rad im Flachen in einer Zeit zwischen sieben und acht Stunden - kommen Höhenmeter dazu, werden es aber auch schnell zehn Stunden oder mehr.
Wie lang und hoch auch immer - zunächst ist beim Radmarathon das Hauptziel, die Distanz überhaupt zu schaffen und dabei Spaß zu haben.

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  1. 400 km zum Glaubenberg-Pass

    400 km
    19,5 km/h
    4.900 m
    4.890 m

    It was a day trip, but not one for every day😉

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  2. 18:33
    355 km
    19,2 km/h
    4.620 m
    4.620 m

    The Belchen high 3 is a highly recommended event organized by Hirsch-Sprung (hirsch-sprung.com) annually at the end of July / beginning of August. Without racing character, the long distance is driven in the group, the route is fantastic and leads you through Black Forest, Jura and Vosges in the tri-border region D, CH, F

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  3. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  4. 13:51
    339 km
    24,5 km/h
    4.720 m
    4.710 m

    Now that early summer seems to have arrived, it was time for a longer tour.

    The Hohenzollern Castle and the castle in Sigmaringen, which was also built by the Hohenzollern, were the main goals, but there was still the nice opportunity to visit part of the Swabian Alb and especially the upper Danube Valley

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  5. 09:05
    241 km
    26,5 km/h
    4.230 m
    4.240 m

    Very nice bike marathon - well organized, beautiful route, well marked and with 5 food stations that offer everything that the cyclist's heart - or in this case rather the stomach - desires. At the last there was even Alk-free beer from the local brewery of the starting place. Much better than the whole

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  6. 09:00
    240 km
    26,7 km/h
    1.900 m
    1.910 m

    Molti chilometri pianeggianti lungo la valle del Reno rendono questo percorso relativamente veloce, ma poiché le colline e le montagne aspettano poco prima del traguardo, non è necessariamente facile.

    Ciononostante si procede verso nord da Friburgo, passando per Lahr e Offenburg, inizialmente velocemente

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  7. 08:41
    227 km
    26,1 km/h
    2.630 m
    2.620 m

    To greet the summer appropriately, I got up in front of the sun today to make the most of the long daylight. As a pleasant side effect, I had the streets almost to myself for the first four hours of the tour - not least very pleasant when crossing Colmar.

    The Vosges passes were all nice to drive and so

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  8. 08:51
    222 km
    25,1 km/h
    3.380 m
    3.380 m

    Wonderful day for a longer tour - pleasant temperature, fairly quiet roads and a great route - the Vosges and especially the Route de Cretes are always worth a recommendation. Only the descent down to the Lac de Kruth was a bit tough, because here it must have hailed yesterday - the track was partially

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  9. 08:27
    215 km
    25,5 km/h
    3.040 m
    3.040 m

    Beautiful tour over to always worth seeing Rhine Falls. Great weather until almost the end, regrettably, the bad weather front turned out to be disgusting on time as predicted, so I was less plagued by light rain than more by the really poisonous headwind - I've never ridden so slowly from Stegen to Freiburg. ,

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  10. 08:35
    210 km
    24,5 km/h
    2.590 m
    2.600 m

    Come sempre, la scelta tra l'intossicazione da alcol e uno sballo di endorfine è facile per l'appassionato di bici.

    Il tour in bicicletta del giorno dell'Ascensione di quest'anno ha portato ai Vosgi e la combinazione di decenza sportiva e prezzi elevati della benzina ha significato che il viaggio doveva

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  11. 07:48
    210 km
    27,0 km/h
    2.050 m
    2.070 m

    And back from France. However, due to the start in the afternoon, much more sweaty than the journey there. The just over 30 ° C sucked the water out of the system faster than I could refill - with a good 6 liters over 200 km then also close to the limit of what the stomach is ready to process.

    The section

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  12. 08:51
    208 km
    23,5 km/h
    3.200 m
    3.200 m

    What wonderful Father's Day weather! So the decision between alcohol abuse or a nice 200 was pretty easy - the cool beer has to wait until the evening.

    Wonderful calm and perfect temperature in the morning, later somewhat fuller streets especially in the area of the Wutach Gorge and of course on the Feldberg

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  13. 06:48
    202 km
    29,7 km/h
    1.690 m
    1.660 m

    Con un tempo quasi perfetto e un leggero vento da est, i 200 km sono trascorsi abbastanza comodamente.

    Poco prima dell'alba partiamo da Friburgo, i primi chilometri su strade famose fino al Reno, poi alcuni chilometri obbligatori su pendii piuttosto monotoni fino a Cernay ai piedi del Grand Ballon.


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  14. 07:46
    201 km
    25,9 km/h
    2.110 m
    2.110 m

    I Vosgi sono sempre una destinazione interessante per il ciclismo e l'accesso orientale al Col de la Schlucht è da molto tempo nella "lista delle cose da guidare".

    Il viaggio da Friburgo attraverso la pianura dell'Alto Reno è sempre un lungo riscaldamento. La salita al Col Firstplan non presenta un compito

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  15. 08:26
    200 km
    23,7 km/h
    3.520 m
    3.530 m

    What a wonderful weather, what a fantastic route!

    The Hotzenwald is unfortunately not exactly around the corner from Freiburg, but the route up the valley flank of the Wiesental from Wembach to Pfaffenberg, Adelsberg and Gresgen is a poem, the panoramic route from Hausen via Schweigmatt to Gersbach is

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  16. 07:59
    200 km
    25,0 km/h
    2.150 m
    2.160 m

    Giorno dell'Ascensione, Giorno dell'Ascensione, Festa del Papà: qualunque cosa, un giorno perfetto per un giro in bicicletta più lungo.

    All'inizio il tempo non è stato così bello come previsto; al mattino c'erano ancora nuvole grigie molto spiacevoli che incombevano sulla Foresta Nera, che in realtà era

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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    3.671 km
  • Durata
    153:13 h
  • Dislivello
    46.720 m

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