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Cycling to the end of Brittany – Nantes to Brest canal


Cycling to the end of Brittany – Nantes to Brest canal


Cycling to the end of Brittany – Nantes to Brest canal

Cicloturismo – Raccolta by SimonWicart

5 Tour

21:24 h

374 km

1.870 m

It’s a summer day like any other. The sun shines in the blue sky. The air is heavy, but there's a pleasant feeling of lightness. I watch the horizon over the bocage woodlands of the northern Loire-Atlantique. A swallow cuts through the air, free as the wind. My timetable is written in a large notebook. I leaf through its pages, getting intoxicated by the few dates listed. I realise that no constraints are holding me back from a new start. During a difficult time, I grant myself one of these fabulous moments of freedom that I cherish so much. For this new epic, I abandon my hiking shoes for my cleats and steel frame.

This is how this cycling adventure along the canal from Nantes to Brest came to be. I set off in the summer of 2023 from a small town in Loire-Atlantique towards the island of Ouessant. As I said, I didn't wear my hiking boots, and I didn't take a train or drive. I didn't even attach my GPS to my bike. In my bag, I packed a tourist map gleaned from the Châteaubriant tourist office.

The route was marked as a cycle path with the exception of my last day. From Rougé, I took a greenway to Ploërmel where I headed towards the canal. Between two locks, I passed through little gems like Bon Repos Abbey or Lake Guerlédan; I explored towns like Josselin, Pontivy, Châteauneuf-du-Faou or Châteaulin. In the latter, the canal stopped, just like the greenways. I continued riding towards the Crozon Peninsula where I found a boat for Brest.

In addition to a hammock and a sleeping bag, I carried my inseparable notebooks and pens, as well as my camera, in my bags. Note that each of the Tours in this Collection is illustrated by black and white photographs taken on Kodachrome film from 1989.

If you want to repeat this adventure, you can reach the Châteaubriant train station by bike via Nantes. Trains run between the two cities daily. To return from Brest, you can jump on a train towards Rennes or Paris. If necessary, consider booking a train that you can board with your bicycle (‘TER’ or ‘Intercités’ trains). During high season, you may have to pay for your bike. Ask at the station for more information.

In Brittany, the climate is pleasant, but sometimes rainy. Pack suitable clothing for the pouring rain and scorching sun. You can travel on any type of bicycle on the towpaths, but fairly wide tyres will be more comfortable. Finally, remember to bring a repair kit for punctures.

Have a good trip!

Useful links :

During this Collection, I refer to the notes I took in my notebook. More details on my blog (in French): simonwicart.com/voyage/a-velo-sur-le-canal-de-nantes-a-brest

If you want to travel the entire canal from Nantes to Brest, check out this Collection: komoot.com/collection/2289055

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À vélo jusqu'au bout de la Bretagne — Le canal de Nantes à Brest

373 km

2.220 m

2.290 m

Ultimo aggiornamento: ‪9 maggio 2024


  1. Première journée : De Rougé à Guer — Le canal de Nantes à Brest

    69,1 km
    15,4 km/h
    250 m
    290 m

    Sono le tre quando lascio Rougé. Sulle greenways adotto rapidamente un ritmo di crociera che mi abbandona alla contemplazione. Scrivo: “Sulla Greenway che porta a Ploërmel i sentieri sono lunghi e bucolici. I pneumatici lanciati a diverse decine di chilometri orari provocano un irrimediabile scuotimento

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  2. Durante questo secondo giorno, lascio le vie verdi bretoni per ritrovare il piacere delle alzaie che costeggiano il canale. Scrivo: “Dopo Guillac, finalmente raggiungo il canale e le sue infinite distese – così vengono chiamati i tratti di canale situati tra due chiuse. Il suo flusso immobile è sorvolato

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  3. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  4. Mi alzo a stomaco vuoto. La fame mi prende così salgo in bici senza batter ciglio verso Pontivy per fare colazione. Poi proseguo, sotto un cielo un po' minaccioso, verso il lago Guerlédan. Sulle sue alture, a Mûr-de-Bretagne, mi fermo all'Intermarché e scrivo: “I miei compagni del sud [Magali e Didier

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  5. Mi rimetto in viaggio in compagnia di Cécile, che mi lascia verso mezzogiorno per dirigermi verso Carhaix-Plouguer. Di nuovo solo, mordo la polvere e scrivo queste poche righe: “Cécile è appena scomparsa sui sentieri che portano a Carhaix-Plouguer. Mi ritrovo con me stesso, immerso nella mia insondabile

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  6. Mi sveglio sopraffatto dal malumore endemico della fine della tribolazione. Nel mio taccuino faccio fatica a far scorrere l'inchiostro. Le idee sono confuse. Mi sento più a mio agio sulla mia bici, pedalando fino al traguardo.


    Faccio colazione in un piacevole caffè di Châteaulin, sulle rive dell'Aulne

    Tradotto daVedi originale


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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    374 km
  • Durata
    21:24 h
  • Dislivello
    1.870 m

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