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Sentieri MTB

The Himalayas — mountain biking on the roof of the world

Sentieri MTB

The Himalayas — mountain biking on the roof of the world

The Himalayas — mountain biking on the roof of the world

Mountain bike – Raccolta by komoot

5 Tour

28:15 h

244 km

8.660 m

India might not be the first place that pops into your head when you think of mountain biking. For Niko, though, it's been the only place he thinks about ever since he traveled the country known for its contrasting landscape. A particular fan of the Ladakh region in the north, he's been longing to return to ride amidst the most majestic mountain range in the world, the Himalayas. Up here, firmly on the roof of the world, in a jungle of 20,000-foot (6,000-meter) high mountains, endless high deserts and salt lakes, Niko found incredible mountain biking trails, the world's highest rideable passes — and a true dream destination for mountain bikers.

In this Collection, we present Niko's top routes to you. You'll discover a seemingly endless route through the loneliness of the rambling valleys. You'll discover true solitude, with the only human contact being with the nomadic families in search of a spot to camp for the night — people who marvel at every biker they meet. You'll discover a true adventure. Ready to get started? Then grab yourself a chai tea and delve right in.

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  1. Map data © Mappa Open Street contributors

    Auf wilden Gletschern

    76,3 km
    9,7 km/h
    2.470 m
    2.680 m
    Giro in MTB per esperti. Ottimo allenamento richiesto. Adatto a ogni livello.
  2. 05:12
    34,8 km
    6,7 km/h
    2.270 m
    220 m
    Giro in MTB per esperti. Ottimo allenamento richiesto. Adatto a ogni livello.
  3. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  4. 02:12
    15,2 km
    6,9 km/h
    620 m
    620 m
    Giro in MTB intermedio. Buon allenamento richiesto. Adatto a ogni livello.

    Incredibile tour!

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  5. 10:23
    105 km
    10,2 km/h
    2.680 m
    2.410 m
    Giro in MTB per esperti. Ottimo allenamento richiesto. Sono richieste abilità di guida avanzate. In alcune parti del Tour potresti dover spingere la bici.
  6. 02:36
    12,5 km
    4,8 km/h
    630 m
    630 m
    Giro in MTB intermedio. Buon allenamento richiesto. Adatto a ogni livello.

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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    244 km
  • Durata
    28:15 h
  • Dislivello
    8.660 m

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