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Scottish winter – five superb mountaineering routes in Lochaber


Scottish winter – five superb mountaineering routes in Lochaber

Alex Foxfield

Scottish winter – five superb mountaineering routes in Lochaber

Raccolta by Alex Foxfield

5 Tour

36:07 h

69,8 km

6.400 m

Lochaber is arguably Scotland’s greatest winter mountaineering region. While conditions tend to be more reliable in the Cairngorms, when the weather gods do smile on the west, Lochaber is hard to beat.

There’s everything from classic winter climbs and life-affirming ridge traverses to superb but technically straightforward winter walks. Ben Nevis’ North Face is world renowned, attracting mountaineers from far and wide to measure themselves against this unique climbing arena. Meanwhile, Glen Coe and the Mamores are home to some of the great winter mountain journeys in the UK.

This Collection follows five days of adventure during the London Mountaineering Club’s 2022 Scottish Winter Meet. I kicked off the week with the incredible traverses of Ben Nevis’ Càrn Mòr Dearg Arête and the Ring Of Steall, two of Scotland’s most coveted winter routes. I ventured to Glen Coe for a shorter adventure on Buachaille Etive Beag on day three, before heading back to the Mamores for an ascent of Stob Bàn’s South Gully on day four. My final adventure was a beautiful ascent of Beinn a’ Bheithir, the giant mountain above Ballachulish.

All these adventures are grade one winter routes, perfect introductions to Scottish winter mountaineering. Each is doable without the need for climbing equipment and they only require one standard walking axe. Although my climbing partner Mirek and I used a rope for Stob Bàn’s South Gully, this was to practise techniques on relatively easy ground, rather than for safety.

Nevertheless, I’d recommend doing a winter skills course to learn the necessary techniques and knowledge needed for these kinds of adventures. Carrying an ice axe and wearing crampons without the proper knowledge of how to use them is just as dangerous as not using them at all.

Other kit I’d recommend includes: a helmet, which is essential for any sections where rock can fall from above; a head torch for early starts and late finishes; a group shelter, blizzard jacket and first aid kit for emergency situations; a USB power bank; a topographical map and compass; gaiters; a flask of tea or coffee; and plenty of food. In terms of clothing, I’d recommend wearing waterproof trousers with an insulated pair underneath, multiple midlayers, a quality waterproof jacket, a beanie hat and gloves. Carry a spare pair of gloves and a spare hat, as well as a warm puffer jacket for any times you stop. However, the best way to stay toasty and safe on winter walks is to keep moving and eat regularly.

We were lucky enough to enjoy five days of pretty decent conditions. However, the fickle nature of the UK’s winter means there’s no guarantee of good snow cover at any time of year. The most reliable months are usually February and March, when layers of snow and ice have had the chance to build throughout the season.

We stayed at the excellent Glen Nevis Youth Hostel, a great base where you can literally walk from the front door onto routes on the Ben and the western Mamores. There’s loads of good accommodation options in the region – special mention should go to Glen Coe’s Kingshouse Hotel and the Clachaig Inn – while Fort William has lots of places to eat and drink, and shops for stocking up on supplies.

Enjoy these five contrasting adventures, which are each as sensational as the last. Scotland, how do you do it?

Watch a short film of my adventures:

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  1. Ben Nevis attraverso la Cresta CMD - Inverno Scozzese

    16,2 km
    1,9 km/h
    1.550 m
    1.580 m

    Il primo giorno abbiamo visto sei di noi decidere di affrontare la montagna più alta della Gran Bretagna, il Ben Nevis, attraverso l’ambita Càrn Mòr Dearg Arête. Dopo aver digerito le discutibili previsioni del tempo ma con un sacco di entusiasmo, Eoin, Kat, Mirek, Jack, Will e io siamo partiti direttamente

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  2. 08:32
    17,0 km
    2,0 km/h
    1.470 m
    1.480 m

    Dopo averlo percorso in estate e aver corso la famosa Skyrace, ero entusiasta di vedere cosa aveva da offrire un Ring of Steall invernale. Uno splendido percorso a ferro di cavallo che tocca sette vette distinte, tra cui quattro Munro, e attraversa un paio di creste incredibilmente strette, il Ring of

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  3. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  4. 03:39
    8,07 km
    2,2 km/h
    720 m
    690 m

    È giusto dire che lo sentivamo dopo due giorni di grande montagna sul Ben e sul Ring of Steall. Le previsioni del tempo ci hanno aiutato a decidere di prendere le cose con un po' più di tranquillità per il terzo giorno. Con il sole e i forti venti del mattino sostituiti da venti più forti e condizioni

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  5. Le temperature gelide di inizio settimana stavano aumentando e, di conseguenza, anche l'altezza alla quale avremmo sperimentato solide condizioni invernali sulle montagne. Un gruppo di noi era indeciso tra il ritorno sulle alture del Ben Nevis o la ricerca di un'avventura sulla vetta più bassa, ma comunque

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  6. Con le temperature che continuano a salire, Mirek e io abbiamo deciso di fare di un'arrampicata su roccia il nostro obiettivo finale per la settimana, piuttosto che lottare nella neve che si scioglie. Avevo sentito parlare bene della Beinn a' Bheithir's Schoolhouse Ridge, una scalata di primo grado che

    Tradotto daVedi originale


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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    69,8 km
  • Durata
    36:07 h
  • Dislivello
    6.400 m

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