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My 5 best 2022 adventures - that you could do in 2023


My 5 best 2022 adventures - that you could do in 2023


My 5 best 2022 adventures - that you could do in 2023

Raccolta by erwinsikkens_com

5 Tour

31:29 h

657 km

6.200 m

For me, 2022 was quite an adventurous year: from gravel rides in beautiful places and getting lost during bikepacking trips, to road riding at its best. Through this Komoot collection I invite you all to relive my 5 best cycling adventures, hoping that they will inspire all of you to go on adventures alike in the upcoming year 2023. FYI. Selecting just 5 adventures was actually quite hard and some 'killing of darlings' was definitely done while creating this collection. Find some honorable mentions that didn't make the cut at the bottom..............................
1️⃣ My February bikepacking trip to Paris.
What started out as a winter cycling itch, soon turned into a nice and relaxed 4-day bikepacking trip from my home in Arnhem to Paris on my Cannondale SuperSix road racer. It showed me how easy it actually is to go on a 'big' adventure. Just take your bike, strap some bags to it, and start riding :-)
Check out my day 4 ride below, or head to my profile for the full tour collection.
2️⃣ L'Estérel Gravel ride at the Côte d'Azur
Making the best out of a little family holiday in southern France, bringing my gravel bike, and discovering the gravelly beauty of l'Estérel, a mountain range on the Mediterrane coast. The riding was as beautiful as the views.
3️⃣ Finishing Unbound 200 in Kansas, USA.
Unbound - previously known as Dirty Kanza - is one of the biggest gravel races in the world and the grassroots of modern gravel riding. Via invitation, I was lucky enough to be able to travel to the US, to visit and finish this amazing 200 mile / 322 km challenge of a ride. Do check out the video we created that day and put this one on your already long bucket list.
4️⃣ Dorset gravel riding - white cliff shores meeting beautiful gravel paths.
My UK love grew even bigger this summer while visiting Dorset on the southern coasts with my then-pregnant girlfriend Carly. The British bridleways were a perfect match and the scenery was even more beautiful. Definitely one to return to someday.
5️⃣ Komoot Adventure Series Drenthe
Number 5 is one closer to home, and near my town of birth. I created the gravel routes for this lovely Komoot weekend in the peaceful Drenthe nature, experiencing it with gravel and bikepacking lovers alike. What's not to love about great gravel riding, combined with burgers and beers by the fire, and sleeping in a bivvy?
Honorable mentions that didn't make the cut.
You'll find all these rides on my Komoot profile:
💚 Visiting the Ronde van Vlaanderen (Tour of Flanders) in collaboration with Shimano, riding the cyclosportive, and watching the pros race the day after at the finish. I LOVE the spring classics.💚 My Tuscan Strade Bianche gravel ride last October south of Siena - grinding the mother of all gravel.💚 My Atlas Mountain Race participation was - despite not finishing - definitely an adventure worth mentioning. Do check out the video (link in the comments).
See you on (or off) the road in 2023 👋😁

Vedi sulla mappa



  1. Winter bikepacking to Paris - day 4: Compiegne - Paris

    119 km
    24,2 km/h
    750 m
    750 m

    Bikepacking invernale a Parigi - giorno 4: Compiegne - Parigi.

    Quarto giorno, l'ultima tappa del mio viaggio in bicicletta a Parigi!

    La giornata è iniziata a Compiegne dove, dopo una magra colazione nel mio hotel Ibis, ero presto in viaggio. Dopo la pioggia di ieri, oggi sarebbe un'altra fantastica giornata

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  2. 03:38
    52,7 km
    14,5 km/h
    1.060 m
    1.030 m

    Strade sterrate a tratti sconnesse. Il profumo del calore, composto da un accenno di lavanda selvatica mescolato all'inconfondibile profumo della resina di pino che si scioglie nel soffocante sole primaverile. Panorami da leccarsi le dita dalle montagne colorate di rosso sulla costa mediterranea... Un

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  3. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  4. 13:42
    322 km
    23,5 km/h
    3.240 m
    3.260 m



    Potresti non conoscermi, ma non sono diverso da te. Mi chiamo Erwin Sikkens e proprio come te amo andare in bicicletta, affrontare una sfida di tanto in tanto. Nonostante il mio motto personale "il ritmo della festa vince la gara", non corro mai in bicicletta. Seguire il mio

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  5. 05:04
    76,8 km
    15,2 km/h
    1.100 m
    1.100 m

    Durante una settimana di vacanza nel Dorset, nel sud dell'Inghilterra, la bici gravel non poteva mancare, dopotutto, il modo migliore per esplorare tutto a dovere.


    Basandomi su "ippovie" - spesso percorsi sterrati pubblici per escursionisti, ciclisti e cavalieri - ho vagato per le numerose colline lungo

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  6. 04:08
    85,6 km
    20,7 km/h
    50 m
    40 m

    Komoot Adventure Series Drenthe 2022

    Domenica Ghiaia: 70 KM


    Massi, sentieri forestali, singletrack tortuosi attraverso i campi, sabbia a debole coesione con escursioni in bicicletta, ghiaia, dolmen e soprattutto tanti bei paesaggi a Drenthe... in questo percorso incontrerai di tutto.


    A Boswachterij Grolloo

    Tradotto daVedi originale


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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    657 km
  • Durata
    31:29 h
  • Dislivello
    6.200 m

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