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Sentieri MTB

FURTHER Perseverance 2022

Sentieri MTB

FURTHER Perseverance 2022

Max Riese

FURTHER Perseverance 2022

Mountain bike – Raccolta by Max Riese

3 Tour

37:51 h

458 km

13.130 m

FURTHER Perseverance... what is it? This question is not so easy to answer. It’s a kind of ultra race, but it’s ‘only’ 400 to 500 kilometres (248 to 310 mi) long. It’s an off-road race, but there’s also a fair amount of asphalt. The race takes place in the Pyrenees and starts at a refuge. You have to push or carry your bike for three to four hours to reach the Refuge du Rulhe and then push it back down to the start of the race.

So it's really a bicycle race where you spend half the time pushing and carrying. Why do you do that to yourself? Because it's one of the most beautiful and crazy events in the calendar. Organiser Camille is a twisted genius who thoughtfully ‘drags’ participants through the most beautiful areas of the Pyrenees. This is someone who manages to gather about 30 crazy people to put themselves through this, people who’re still willing to drink with him at the end, instead of cursing him.

How did I feel about it and will I do it again? Follow me on my (fast) journey through the Pyrenees in this Collection!

Vedi sulla mappa



  1. Piedi veloci, testa pigra - FURTHER Perseverance

    140 km
    9,2 km/h
    4.250 m
    5.560 m

    La partenza della gara non potrebbe essere più bella: il Refuge du Rulhe si trova in alto nei Pirenei. Panorami montani mozzafiato ovunque, proprietari di baite amichevoli in una capanna che genera solo elettricità con energia solare (e quindi è illuminata solo da candele di notte) e dove non c'è ricezione

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  2. La mia sveglia ha suonato poco prima dell'alba. Ho fatto le valigie e ho mangiato delle barrette di cioccolato come colazione improvvisata. Non era lontano da Videssos. 😜


    Un breve tratto su ripida strada forestale con ripidi tornanti, poi arrivo ai Trois Seigneurs. Vecchi cottage in pietra di un tempo

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  3. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  4. 12:02
    163 km
    13,5 km/h
    5.410 m
    4.100 m

    Ich wachte in der Früh in meinem so weichen Bett auf und so wirklich freute es mich nicht, aufstehen zu müssen... Der Körper war so müde. Jeder Muskel schmerzte, der Kopf war müde, keine Konzentration. „Reiß dich zusammen!“, sagte ich mir und packte meine Sachen. Wieder mal ein gutes Frühstück aus Schokoriegeln


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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    458 km
  • Durata
    37:51 h
  • Dislivello
    13.130 m

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