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Gower Peninsula AONB


Gower Peninsula AONB

Natt Williams

Gower Peninsula AONB

Raccolta by Natt Williams

1 Tour

02:55 h

57,8 km

2.210 m

Last minute trip to Wales never disappoints and when the opportunity to ride my bike somewhere new my only thought was, which bike do I take!I put together three routes that I managed to squeeze in to my 1.5 days there, if I had more time I would have loved to explore the area more but I hope these will give you the some insight for your next trip to this part of Wales. Gower Peninsula AONB, the first area to be designated with this prestigious title in the United Kingdom and what a marvellous undisturbed area of natural beauty it is. If you're ever this way with the family and questioned should you bring your ride - the answer is yes as there is plenty to do for everyone if you book a stay at Hillend Camp and Caravan Park (I've put the link below).Clyne Valley Country Park, is a one stop adventure playground. The local mountain bikers have built a mecca of well made and rideable trails within the forest (much to the local councils dismay). There are two main ones - Millers Crossing and Gorilla Killer, with lots in between too. I only had time to scratch the surface but still highly recommend a visit. There's lots of variety with root drops, berms, rock sections, single track & steep loam trails and technical riding.To wrap my trip up I headed to Afan Forest Bike Park, with a loop of the whole Y-Wall course (mostly reds but parts of it are black sections). The conditions were perfect! Be warned there is a lot of climbing but you do have the option of using the fire roads instead if you wish. Hillend Caravan and Camping Park: hillendcamping.comLast but not least, Bike Park Wales is a must visit. The trails are well maintained and trash free, lots of fun for all levels and ages of riders. I've included this ride in this collection pure because the proximity from Hillend Campsite, if you get a free pass and are passing by - you should check BPW out :-).

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  1. Bike Park Wales!

    57,8 km
    19,8 km/h
    2.210 m
    2.200 m

    Prima volta alla BPW, era da un po' che non vedevo l'ora di percorrere alcuni dei sentieri offerti. Ho trascorso le ultime settimane in Francia, quindi non vedevo l'ora di fare un giro in questo bike park: non mi ha deluso!

    Tradotto daVedi originale



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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    57,8 km
  • Durata
    02:55 h
  • Dislivello
    2.210 m

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