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Tracing a historic canal through the South — Wey-South Path

Sentieri e itinerari escursionistici

Tracing a historic canal through the South — Wey-South Path

South Downs Walking (CC BY-ND 2.0)

Tracing a historic canal through the South — Wey-South Path

Escursionismo – Raccolta by Kit P



4-5 h

/ giorno

56,2 km

300 m

290 m

The Wey-South Path is a wonderful 35-mile (53 km) footpath that follows the historic Wey & Arun Canal. Starting from Guildford and ending due south in Amberley, the canal was built to link the River Wey to the River Arun; the canal itself is largely defunct today, but its towpath provides a fantastic medium for exploring this beautiful, pastoral region. This trail also links the North Downs Way with the South Downs Way long-distance footpaths, so you might find yourself tempted to become somewhat of a pilgrim.

Thanks to its mostly towpath nature, this trail is rather gentle on the legs with minimal elevation gain and certainly nothing challenging. Instead, you can expect peaceful paths, quiet woodlands, pretty bridges, quaint villages and plenty of gorgeous locks. There are numerous pubs on or near the path too, so you’re never very far from a hot meal and a cosy place to put your feet up.

The landscapes along this route are rural, with fields unfolding in both directions, marshlands in the south, gently rolling hills and plenty of old farm houses punctuating the surroundings. You spend much of the time directly on the towpath although there are many sections where the path no longer exists, and you’re lead off on pretty forays through copses and across fields before returning to the waterside.

The trail intersects with several other long-distance paths, including the Downs Link, the Sussex Border Path and Greensand Way. Large sections are bridle path too, also used by horseriders and intrepid cyclists.

I’ve split this path into three stages of around 11 to 12 miles (18–19 km) so it makes for a lovely long weekend adventure. Alternatively, you could hike the trail in two days, particularly as it’s fairly flat. The stage ends are in fairly rural locations, so book accommodation in advance if you need it, as there are likely only one or two options or you might have to walk an extra mile or so off the trail to your bed for the night.

You can hike the trail throughout the year although I recommend opting to take it on between mid-spring and mid-autumn. During this half of the year, the wildlife and flora are at their most vibrant and you can take advantage of longer daylight hours, pub gardens and canalside picnic spots.

To reach the start in Guildford, you can arrive by train; the station is very close to the river which has a trail leading you directly to the start. At the end, hike the short distance to Amberley station which, although on a different train line, has trains that can return you to Guildford or elsewhere in the country.

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Percorso Wey-South

56,0 km

300 m

290 m

Ultimo aggiornamento: ‪28 maggio 2024

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  1. Map data © Mappa Open Street contributors

    Fase 1: da Guildford ad Alfold Crossways — Percorso Wey-South

    18,2 km
    3,9 km/h
    60 m
    40 m
    Percorso escursionistico intermedio. Buon allenamento richiesto. Sentieri prevalentemente accessibili. Richiesto passo sicuro.

    Il sentiero inizia nella periferia meridionale di Guildford sul sentiero lungo il fiume. Si trova a pochi passi dalla stazione ferroviaria di Guildford, quindi è particolarmente facile da raggiungere. Questa fiorente città è anche ben servita da bar e supermercati, quindi puoi riempire lo zaino di cibo

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  2. 04:43
    18,4 km
    3,9 km/h
    60 m
    110 m
    Percorso escursionistico intermedio. Buon allenamento richiesto. Sentieri prevalentemente accessibili. Richiesto passo sicuro.

    Una miscela di alzaie lungo i canali e sereni sentieri di campagna, questa tappa è straordinariamente tranquilla e offre molti punti per picnic. Inizi a Laker's Green vicino ad Alfold Crossways e dirigiti a sud lungo Alfold Road prima di immetterti su un sentiero nel bosco. Questo sentiero ti riporta

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  3. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  4. 05:09
    19,6 km
    3,8 km/h
    180 m
    140 m
    Percorso escursionistico per esperti. Ottimo allenamento richiesto. Sentieri prevalentemente accessibili. Richiesto passo sicuro.

    Questa fase finale del Wey-South Path ti conduce inizialmente lungo l'alzaia del canale mentre si snoda attraverso la campagna bucolica. Dopo un po', si lascia brevemente il canale per passare una fattoria prima di attraversare il canale e dirigersi attraverso i campi su un percorso piuttosto circolare

    Tradotto daVedi originale



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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    56,2 km
  • Durata
    14:31 h
  • Dislivello
    300 m290 m

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