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BC Epic 1000


BC Epic 1000

Jenny Tough

BC Epic 1000

Cicloturismo – Raccolta by Jenny Tough

4 Tour

63:13 h

1.053 km

8.840 m

The BC Epic is a 1,000 kilometre self-supported traverse across South Central British Colombia starting in Merritt and ending in Fernie, mostly along the Trans Canada Trail.

This year, over 70 local riders lined up for the grande depart, but with the biggest heatwave ever recorded in the province, less than 25% made it to Fernie.

I had high hopes for the race, but with the dangerous weather I changed my plan to hold back and stay safe, spending lots of time dipping in rivers and lakes instead! I was delighted to make it to Fernie in seventh place overall, but this one really wasn't about getting a result on the scoreboard.

Event description from the organiser:

"This is an off-road, unofficial, completely self-supported bikepacking group ride in the spirit the underground 'Tour divide' style and under the same rules. No registration, no support, no insurance, no prizes - those who choose to simply meet up for an informal group ride along a plotted route on public trails open to all at a suggest a time.. You show up and ride at your own risk. The BC Epic is a 1,000km (1,066 to be exact), 11,600 metres elevation traverse across South Central BC starting in Merritt and ending in Fernie (or vice versa if you choose) mostly along the Trans Canada Trail.

The route is about 80% off road on mostly old decommissioned railgrades (Kettle Valley Railroad from Brookmere to Midway, Columbia Western from Midway to Castlegar and Great Northern from Salmo to Nelson), with a few sections of challenging singletrack and the rest mostly rough gravel forest service road and about 100km paved. It is spectacular ride crossing through a great diversity of terrain and ecosystems with remarkable scenery, trestles hundreds of feet high and multiple tunnels (longest almost a kilometre) along the bed of some of the most expensive railway ever laid through the mountains. There are plenty of camping, re-supply points and services along the route."

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BC Epic 1000

1.027 km

9.670 m

9.260 m

Ultimo aggiornamento: ‪24 maggio 2024


  1. Giorni 1 e 2: Merritt a Christina Lake — BC Epic 1000

    549 km
    17,6 km/h
    3.020 m
    2.520 m

    L'ondata di caldo è stata piuttosto seria là fuori... ma quello è stato il mio sforzo più lungo senza dormire!

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  2. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  3. L'esaurimento da caldo mi ha portato fuori, quindi sono arrivato in un hotel climatizzato a Trail, certo che la mia gara fosse finita dopo 24 ore senza cibo.


    In qualche modo, dopo una buona lunga dormita e il raffreddamento del mio corpo, ho deciso di scavare in profondità e tornare là fuori. Così felice di averlo fatto!

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  4. Ci sono state condizioni così difficili quest'anno con la più grande ondata di caldo nella storia registrata.


    Non ho provato a correre in queste condizioni, questo era solo un evento di sopravvivenza. Molto grato di essere arrivato al traguardo e di prendere il settimo posto assoluto è stato un vero vantaggio!

    Tradotto daVedi originale


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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    1.053 km
  • Durata
    63:13 h
  • Dislivello
    8.840 m

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