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The Lizard Peninsula - South West Coast Path three day adventure


The Lizard Peninsula - South West Coast Path three day adventure


The Lizard Peninsula - South West Coast Path three day adventure

Raccolta by sianannalewis

3 Tour

09:23 h

34,5 km

680 m

Is the South West Coast Path top of your hiker's bucket list? This long-distance coastal route is one of the most beautiful walks in Britain - but its 630 miles of path might look a bit overwhelming if you want to dip in for a walk or two and aren't sure where to start exploring. The South West Coast Path Association's new, inspiring itineraries are designed to help you fit some of the very best of the coastline into just a few days. They make the perfect introductions to gems such as Exmoor's wilderness coast or Devon and North Cornwall's myths and legends. And for walkers and keen wild swimmers, it doesn't get better than spending three days on South Cornwall's remote Lizard Peninsula. I spent a long weekend exploring the South West Coast Path's Serpentine Coast itinerary. If you're looking for Cornwall's wild side, the Lizard Peninsula is the perfect place to start. This really is the end of the line - the most southerly point in Britain is home to mermaid coves, miles of cliffs paths, lofty lighthouses and pasty shops famed throughout the land. There are no mythical dragons here, if case you're you're wondering about the name - it comes from the old Celtic ‘lys ardh’, meaning ‘high court’.

These three walks, curated by the South West Coast Path Association, the charity that look after the trail, are the perfect introduction to the Lizard's wild coastline, sheltered coves, subtropical gardens and maritime history.

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  1. Rosemullion Circular - South West Coast Path three day adventure

    6,85 km
    3,7 km/h
    130 m
    140 m

    Rosemullion è il lato più dolce e riparato della penisola di Lizard, e questo circuito del Coast Path è l'escursione perfetta per una rilassante giornata di sole, partendo dal villaggio di Mawnan Smith e seguendo un sentiero ombreggiato da palme e felci giganti fino all'oceano . Questa passeggiata di

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  2. Benvenuti alla lucertola. Questa rilassante passeggiata circolare dal villaggio di Lizard e intorno alla costa è l'introduzione perfetta a questa remota penisola. Percorrilo in senso orario per iniziare con ampie vedute delle rocce selvagge che custodiscono Kynance Cove, quindi segui il Coast Path verso

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  3. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  4. Affronta uno dei tratti più selvaggi della costa della Cornovaglia nel tuo secondo giorno sulla Lizard. Questo percorso ventoso collega i villaggi di Lizard e Mullion, ed è un luogo di brughiera e grandi panorami di scogliere frastagliate e calette rocciose, anche se la sua bellezza piuttosto cruda

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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    34,5 km
  • Durata
    09:23 h
  • Dislivello
    680 m

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